GLMGT235 - Profit & Loss With Actuals, Budgets, Variance reported incorrect budget 2 and 3 information


Budgetary information is incorrectly reported when comparing to Budgets 2 or Budget 3 - version 7.02.00 and 7.02.01 only


SQL Skills are required

A working knowledge of SQL Management Studio is required to complete this task

There were a couple of causes for the issues with the report.  The screen was incorrectly showing 0 for last year budgets instead of values and the issue with the report was due to bugs in SQL functions used by the report. Two SQL Scripts to correct the SQL functions are attached together with a DLL to correct the screen issue.  

Version 7.02.00

  • Download the run the two scripts over the database

  • Download and copy the JiwaGeneralLedger.DLL into the Jiwa program directory  

  • There is no need to register the DLL

Note:  The DLL will be included in a Service Release for 7.02.00

Version 7.02.01

  • Apply the two SQL scripts  to 7.02.01 database  

  • The JiwaGeneralLedger.DLL does NOT need to be applied to a 7.02.01 installation.


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