Error running any Jiwa report where Jiwa is installed locally


Running any report from a computer where Jiwa is installed locally errors.  If you run the report again it may or may not have the same problem.




The issue is due to the database using Named Pipes to connect to the SQL Server. On some sites named pipes can be unreliable, so we always recommend using TCP/IP as the transport mechanism.

Upon disabling named pipes on the SQL Server (to force clients to use TCP/IP) all connectivity will be lost. Opening port 1433 (standard SQL Server port) on the SQL Server willrestore connectivity in most instances.  Wehre it doesn't, it will be because the SQL Server is running multiple instances using dynamic ports.  The server will be a SBS installation which has multiple instances of SQL Server configured by default.  Instead of opening a specific port on the firewall, the firewall should be configured to allow the program "SQLSERVR.exe" to accept incoming connections through the firewall.  This will restore connectivity.  Running reports will now work reliably from multiple workstations.