Job Costing transactions are not appearing on the job after upgrading from 6.5.13 to 7.00.175


Upgrading to 7.0.175 from 6.5.13 may cause an issue where the job costs are not appearing in the transactions tab in the Job Costing form 


After investigating, the technical team have found that entries in JB_CostEntry are being incorrectly deleted by upgrade script They have updated the upgrade scripts for the next release. In this has happened, you should use this script to select the JB_CostEntry rows from the Version 6.5.13 database and insert them in to the Version 7.00.175 database:

SELECT RecID, RecNum, Reference, Note, Status, WarehouseID, LastSavedDateTime, EntryType, JobID, JrnlSetID FROM NAME_OF_VERSION_6_DATABASE.dbo.JB_CostEntry

Please test on a copy of the database first.  Any queries in this regard please log a Service Request.

Advanced SQL programming skills are required for this task