Insert into SY_MenuItemReport error on upgrade to a later Version 7 release


Upgrading a version 7 database to a later release can result in errors being reported attempting into insert records into SY_MenuItemReport, usually as a result of replacing or renaming Jiwa standard report menu items. Example of an error:



You can examine the SQL script which caused the error by running the following SQL query once the error has occurred:

SELECT * FROM SY_UpgradeScripts WHERE Status = 2


In the Script column returned, you should see something like this:

INSERT INTO SY_MenuItemReport (RecID, SY_MenuItem_RecID,
SY_Report_RecID, LastSavedDateTime)
SELECT '9aa2d864-b096-48d7-a4f0-f062bbb8b1c1',
'9aa2d864-b096-48d7-a4f0-f062bbb8b1c1', (SELECT TOP 1 RecID FROM SY_Report
WHERE FileName = 'DBMGT050 - Debtors Sales By Staff Member.rpt'), '2016-11-03

This is the script which is failing. 


There are 2 possible causes - which is the cause depends on the error message being reported.

If the error message was "Cannot insert the value NULL Into column SY_Report_RecID":

The cause is the filename of a standard report has been changed, or the report delete.  As of you are no longer able to change or delete standard reports in an effort to prevent this issue.

DEV-3284 - Getting issue details... STATUS

As of reslience has been added to the upgrade process to cater for deleted or renamed reports. DEV-5816 - Getting issue details... STATUS


To correct the issue, follow these steps:

    • Restore the database from backup
    • Locate the report causing the issue in the Report Maintenance form and rename it back to be the standard report name - or if it was deleted, import the report from the local file system (%ProgramData%\Jiwa Financials\Jiwa 7\ReportCache).
    • Backup the database
    • Re-start the upgrade


  • Leaving the database in the errored state, run the following query AFTER Replacing the text <INSERT FILENAME HERE> with the filename of the report which has been deleted or renamed - We showed in the problem description earlier how to determine the filename. After running the script, resume the upgrade

    INSERT INTO SY_Report(RecID, FileName, Title, Description, Author, SY_ReportSection_RecID, ReportType, IsEnabled, FileBinary, FileHash, Comment, ItemNo, LastSavedDateTime, IsReadOnly)
    SELECT NewID(), '<INSERT FILENAME HERE>', 'Dummy Title', '', 'Jiwa Financials',
    (SELECT TOP 1 RecID FROM SY_ReportSection),
    1, 1, dbo.udf_JIWA_Base64ToBinary(''), '', 
    'Dummy Comment',
    (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(ItemNo), 0) + 1 FROM SY_Report), GETDATE(), 1

If the error message was "Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SY_Report':

This happens if the Jiwa 7 Default Menu has been altered in the Jiwa 7 version before:


You shouldn't really be altering the Jiwa default menu - every upgrade we remove all entries from the default menu and re-create it - we have to do this so that new menu options will always appear on the default menu when they are introduced with a new release.
We didn't foresee any problems with customers modifying the default menu - at worst they would lose any customisations each upgrade - but the foreign key constraint issue was not foreseen.


    • Copy the Jiwa default menu 
    • Alter each staff user group to use the copied menu 
    • After each upgrade, if desired, merge the Jiwa default menu with their copied menu to make new menu items appear on their custom menu.
    • To fix the upgrade error you need to identify the duplicate keys in the table SY_Reports and then delete the duplicate key entries


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