Can the Plugin Scheduler Service be restricted to some schedules and / or plugins?


 Some plugins are to run every 5 minutes and another only once a month.  What is the best way to manage these differing requirements? 



We have added a new section to the config file where you can specify a list of plugin names to include or exclude.

<PluginsToExclude> <!-- Only put values in here if you want to exclude certain plugins from running Leave empty to not exlude any plugins, except those not on the Include list, if the include list is not empty --> <!-- <Name>Name of Plugin to exclude</Name> --> <!-- <Name>Name of Plugin to exclude</Name> --> </PluginsToExclude> <PluginsToInclude> <!-- Only put values in here if you want to only include certain plugins to be run If this list is not empty, then only plugins in this list will be run - leave empty to run all but those in the exclusion list --> <!-- <Name>Name of Plugin to include</Name> --> <!-- <Name>Name of Plugin to include</Name> --> </PluginsToInclude>

Attached Plugin can be used for testing - import, save, then copy, save, copy save - renaming the plugin each time.

Then add the plugin names to the config to test the various scenarios:

  • Nothing in Exclude list, nothing in Include list

  • One in Exclude, nothing in Include

  • Multiple in Exclude, nothing in Include

  • Nothing in Exclude, one in Include

  • Nothing in Exclude, Multiple in Include

  • One in Exclude, one in Include

  • Multiple in Exclude, multiple in Include

The plugin(s) log to the Windows event log whenever they are run - the schedule is set for each 1 minute. So, inspection of the event log will show which plugins are being run.