Can I get a debtor statement to group and sub-total by parent and then child accounts


 A customised debtor statement report run from menu will group by parent account and sub-total by child accounts.  Running this report from the debtor statement form does not give me the same result.  Any suggestions? 



The reason why a report prints as expected from the menu and from Crystal and yet does not from the debtor statements form is due to design of the debtor statement form.

The debtor statement form takes the parameters from the form (from debtor, to debtor, et cetera) and then calls a stored procedure - usp_JIWA_Debtors_Statement_GetDebtorsList - which returns a list of debtor accounts.

The form then invokes the report, passing parameters for each debtor in turn.  So, when printing from the debtor statements form the from and to debtor account numbers are always the same - hence the behaviour difference when printed from the menu.

This is how the debtor statements form was designed - the intent was to print debtor statements as separate reports for each debtor - to be printed or emailed in bulk.  Printing from the debtor statements form grouping by parent debtor account was never the intent and thus design - we had built it to either print discrete statements for each debtor, and the user had the option to include only parent or non-child accounts, or child accounts only.

If you're wanting to print parent debtor statements and include child debtor transactions grouped by child debtor on the same report, rather than the current discrete reports per debtor - we don't do this and never have.

We don't consider this to be a bug, but see how it might be a useful feature. We can add it to our backlog of improvements and alter the software to cater for this post 7.01.00.  If you want it for software deployed already we need to consider this as a customisation and our time spent doing this will be billed.