How is the inventory image stored in the database

The data is stored in IN_Main.Picture as a varbinary(max) type. The value stored is not transformed from the original image - it is image type agnostic - so if it was set as a PNG image, then that is what is stored. Jiwa does not store the image type (PNG/JPG/GIF, et cetera) - but that can be determined by examining the first few bytes of the Base64 encoding.

Jiwa databases have two convenience functions to convert this data to and from Base64 encoding - udf_JIWA_BinaryToBase64 and udf_JIWA_Base64ToBinary.

Binary to Base64
SELECT PartNo, dbo.udf_JIWA_BinaryToBase64(Picture) [Base64Picture] FROM IN_Main WHERE PartNo = '1170'
Base64 To Binary
UPDATE IN_Main SET Picture = dbo.udf_JIWA_Base64ToBinary('SUYgTk9UIEVYSVNUUyhTRUxFQ1QgVE9QIDEgKiBGUk9NIFNZX0Zvcm...hVXNlcgpHTw==') WHERE PartNo = '1170'