Why doesn't the CAL Usage tab appear in Jiwa 7.01.00 onwards?


 The CAL Usage tab appeared on the licencing form in Jiwa 7.0.175 and showed which usernames were logged in.  Why doesn't Jiwa have this tab in later versions.


The CAL Usage tab was a great feature.  We wouldn't have removed it if we didn't have to.  However, since 7.01 there is no longer a viable mechanism for determining which users are logged in.

We were able to do this previously because when a user logged in, we wrote an uncommitted transaction to the SY_LicenceUsages table which included the Staff ID.

We had to remove that behaviour from 7.01 as it was causing problems with transaction log file growth - so we no longer have a way of knowing who is logged in.

See this article to find out how to see who is logged in in later versions of Jiwa.

How can I find out who is logged into Jiwa - version 7.01.00 and higher?