What are the technical differences between version 6 and version 7?


Before upgrading you may be wondering what are the technical differences between version 6 and version 7, and whether there are any major config changes or back-end changes between versions.


Jiwa 7 is written using  MS VB/C#.NET a different version of MS Compiler than Jiwa v6.  Jiwa 6 is compiled using MS VB 6 which is no longer supported by Microsoft and / or on the list of soon to be not supported tool sets.  (How long can I keep using Jiwa version 6 for?)

From a security point of view, Reports and Menus and User Credentials are stored away inside the MS SQL database.  This is a significant security improvement as it allows the MS SQL Security levels to be applied.  We also support the MS Active Directory method to run the MS SQL Server, Jiwa 6 allowed only the Systems Administrator mode.  Jiwa 7 is also optimised to run in the Cloud on MS Azure and Amazon Web Services.  We also have a Plugin System that allows for customising of the system, again the source code for changes is all stored in the database.  From a loss of data point of view, the backup of the database contains everything that a system needs to get back up and running again.  The Application can be downloaded from our website and the licenses are inside the database.

The data structure is very similar, we have implemented tighter data relationships.

The Jiwa 6 database is upgradeable from Jiwa 6 to Jiwa 7.

The application has had a large number of functionality additions.

This is a link to our changes to Jiwa 7 since it’s roll out.
