How is the minimum sell price calculated in Jiwa?
How is the minimum sell price calculated in Jiwa?
Last Cost is $400 and Minimum Markup GP % is set to 10%. Jiwa has calculated it to be $444.44. What's the formula for that calculation?
The formula is Last Cost / (1 - MinimumGP / 100) to the precision of the MoneyDecimalPlaces system setting.
In this case of last cost of $400 and a MinimumGP % of 10%, that's:
400 / ( 1 - 10 /100)
400 / (1 - 0.1)
400 / 0.9
For completeness - this is the code used to calculate the MinimumSellPrice property:
To work backwards:
Sell Price - Last Cost = GP (444.44 - 400 = 44.44)
GP% = GP / Sell Price
GP% = 44.44 / 444.44
GP% = .099999999 (~.10)