How do I link Sales Reps to a debtor record?


 How do I link my sales reps to a customer file, so that sales orders get attributed to that sales rep. 



Create a new debtor Group called Sales Reps (Debtors > Configuration > Groups)

Now add this group to your debtor (Debtors Maintenance > Main > Groups)

Remember, you can have many groups assigned to one debtor

Jiwa will automatically populate the logged in user against the new group.  Change in to your sales rep.

Set this group/user combo as the Default.

What if my sales rep is not a Jiwa user?  That's ok, you should still create a Staff Maintenance record for the sales rep, just make their Account Enabled setting un-ticked, then they can't log in and consume a licence.

Now go to System Settings > System Configuration and use the Search button for search for ID Key "DefaultSalesPerson".  You will find this under Invoicing.

When you create a new sales order, the sale will now be attributed to the sales rep, not the logged in user.