Why are my prices changing when I ReApply Quantities or edit quantities?


Why are my prices changing when I Reapply Quantities or edit quantities?

For example, I have a sales order with backorders.  When the stock arrives I click the ReApply Quantities button on the Utilities tab, or I re-key the ordered quantity on the line.  Then my price changes. I need the price to stay as it was.



The short answer is, you need to check your discount columns (i.e. DiscountPercentage and/or DiscountGiven).

When you click ReApply Quantities, this has the same affect as the user entering the quantities from the beginning.

When you overtype the quantity ordered on the sales order, bulk discounts may apply, so the price scheme is checked and the "SellPrice" cell and "ExtPrice" cell are updated with the best price - this means the current price for the item is retrieved and applied. After applying new pricing information, the original discount % is re-applied, resulting in a new "ExtPrice" cell.

If you are making sales orders from a quote, check the discounts on the quote.  All values on the quote are copied to the sales order, including discount % and discount given.

So you should probably update the quote with current pricing so that discounts given are 0 (i.e. use the "Price Lookup" button and click "Use Price" from the resultant pricing dialog), or just overtype the quantity on the quote for current best pricing to be retrieved. Future sales orders generated from that quote will then have the correct up to date pricing.