How do I create a Back to back Sale and Purchase Order

Where a sales order must be fulfilled by a specific purchase order, a back to back sales order and back to back purchase order may be used.

Back To Back Sales Order and Purchase Order

Stock received on a Back To Back purchase order will only be allocated to the specific Back To Back sales order when received on a GRN. That is, other sales orders with the same stock item on back order will not be fulfilled on the standard FIFO basis.

To complete a Back To Back Sale/Purchase, complete the following:

  1. Open the Sales > Back to Back Order Entry form and create a new sale

  2. Enter the sale items

  3. Press Save and Process

  4. Open the Purchasing > Back to Back Order Entry form and create a new purchase order

  5. Select the Back To Back Sales Invoice that is to be fulfilled by this Back To Back order

  6. Select the inventory items from the invoice which will be ordered on this purchase order by selecting the lookup button for the Part No column

  7. Save the purchase order and Set Status To Sent

  8. When stock is delivered for the purchase order, press Create GRN on the purchase order

     and complete the GRN

  9. When the GRN is processed, it will fulfill the associated Back To Back sales order and process the sales order

  10. On the purchase order select Set Status To close