Stock Transfers

Stock Transfers


Stock transfers have a few purposes:

  1. Make a necessary adjustment to write on / add / transfer in stock that has been found

  2. Make a necessary adjustment to write off / delete stock that is damaged or lost

  3. Convert stock from one part number to another. E.g. where an item was received under the wrong part number by mistake.

Many part numbers can be updated in a stock transfer, so each transfer batch is given a number.

The field detail External is used when inventory is being transferred into or out of the stock. Where serialised stock is being transferred, serial number details are entered when the stock is being transferred into stock on hand. Where stock is being transferred out, either to External or to another part number, the serial number item is selected from a search window.

Only stock in the active warehouse will be available for transfer

Stock Transfer In

Select ‘External’ as the From Part No and the actual item as the To Part No.

The default transfer reason is populated into the header and each line and a different reason can be selected. The To Part Last Cost Each field is populated with the Last Cost from the inventory record, Prices tab and this field is editable.

The stock on hand figure is increased when the record is activated.

Stock Transfer Out

Select the Part No to be decreased and the To part number as ‘External’.

When the part number is entered or selected, a search window of available stock lines are displayed for selection and is displayed in date order. Select one or many of these.

When the user enters the transfer Quantity, the Old and New Quantities are calculated. The From Part Last Cost can’t be edited, that’s the value of the items in stock.

Convert Stock

Where you want to move stock from one part number to another, you can convert them on the same transfer line. For example, 5 standard keyboards should have been received as wireless keyboards.

In this case, the To Part will inherit the cost of the From Part. If you want to modify the cost on the way through, then enter them on separate lines.

Stock Transfer Reasons

When a stock transfer is activated for a dollar variance, the journal posts the value to the ledger accounts defined on each inventory item against the Write On, Write Off labels. Check your Inventory Classification or particular inventory item (Other > Ledgers) for these ledgers.

But, as well as being informative, stock transfer reasons allow you to over-ride which general ledger accounts your transfer value gets posted to. For example, in the configuration below, when Stock Transfer Reason ‘Damaged’ is used, the value will post to 2810-000-04 instead of 2810-000-03.

Manage your Reasons in Inventory > Configuration > Stock Transfers > Reasons.

Bin Locations on Stock Transfers

You can display the bin location of an item on a stock transfer to manage which bin the item is sent to. The From Part Bin Location can’t be changed, that’s where the stock is sitting now. The To Part Bin Location is auto populated with the default bin for that warehouse for that item, but can be changed with the lookup button.


Other available columns on a Stock Transfer

Here are some other columns you can expose on stock transfers.

To see all of the fields list below make all the field headings visible in the Manage Grid dialog box





Line No

The number associated with the first part number being transferred

From Part No

Select from the search window or type in the number or leave as External


The description of the part number that has been selected in the From Part No. field

From Part Serial No

Serial number applicable to the item of stock being transferred from

From Part Last Cost Each

The Last Cost from the inventory record for the stock item being transferred from

From Part Comment

Any Comment that was attached to the particular stock line

From Part Expiry Date

Expiry date of the item being transferred from

From Part Bin Location

Bin location details for the item

From Part Inventory Value Account No.

General Ledger Balance Sheet account

From Part Write Off Account No.

General Ledger Profit & Loss account

Old Quantity

Existing quantity of stock for that item

Transfer Quantity

Quantity being transferred for this part number

Available Quantity

SOH available for transfer for the part number selected in the From Part No. field

New Quantity

Quantity remaining after the transfer

To Part No.

Select from the search window or type in the part number that is going to be transferred


Description of the part number selected in the To Part No. field

To Part Serial No

When transferring To a serialised part number, a dialog box is displayed to allow entry of the serial number(s)

To Part Last Cost Each

Last Cost from the inventory record for this item. This field is editable when transferring From External to a Part No. When transferring from a part number to another part number the field is disabled as the cost applicable is that of the From Part No.

To Part Comment

Editable field that is displayed in the SOH tab when activated

To Part Expiry Date

Expiry date for the item

To Part Bin Location

Bin location for the item - defaults to the Default Location for this item when Inventory system setting BinLocationMode = Change from lookup

To Part Inventory Value Account No.

General Ledger Balance Sheet account

To Part No. Write On Account No.

General Ledger Profit & Loss account

To Part Write Off Account No.

General Ledger Profit & Loss account


Type in a comment if needed.


Selected from the search window attached to this field


Reverse or Mirror a Stock Transfer

There is an option to reverse out a stock transfer by using the 'Mirror Transfer' option. Where there have been stock movements that don't allow this to be exactly reversed, a message displays “Warning: Because of stock levels, the stock transfer could not be precisely mirrored”.

The Reference field is updated with the text (MIRROR of Transfer No XXX)



  1. Inventory Stock Transfer

  2. Load required transfer form from the search window

  3. Utilities > Mirror Transfer


  1. New form is created and the grid and Reference details are populated

  2. Change Transfer Date if required

  3. Complete the rest of the form

  4. Save and activate

Copying a Stock Transfer

A stock transfer can be copied to create a new record where:

  • A line is transferring stock out of a part number To External and stock exists. Where there is insufficient stock available, the Transfer Quantity is reduced to the Available Quantity

  • Where the item is serialised, transferring out is only allowed up to the available quantity for that serial number. This will work for batched items. If you have a quantity of 1 per serial number, the available quantity is now 0 if you already transferred it out on the original stock transfer. Choose a new serial on the copy transfer.

  • Transferring From External To Part Number using serial number uses the same details as the source transfer document, just enter the new quantity to transfer.


  1. Inventory Stock Transfers

  2. Load the required stock transfer from the search window

  3. Click ‘Copy’ in the Ribbon

  4. Edit the new form as required

  5. Save and activate

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