Stock Takes

Stock Takes


The stock take process in Jiwa 7 enables updates to the inventory on hand figures via the stock take form. The stock take function includes a form for managing inventory with serial numbers, expiry dates and bin locations.

A stock take can be performed based on

  • Part Number order; or

  • Bin Location order provided the Inventory system setting BinLocationMode is NOT set to N/A

Inventory System settings that apply to stock takes are:

  • BinLocationMode - determines if Bin Location mode can be selected for the stock take

  • StockTakeRowCountLimit - default maximum number of rows to be returned when creating a new stock take. This field is editable when creating a new form.

Creating a new stock take

Where the Inventory system setting - BinLocationMode is NOT set to N/A a new stock take can be created in either Mode = Part Number or Bin Location order. If the setting is set to N/A this field is disabled and only Part No. order is available.

The Quantity On Hand figure is the quantity at the time the stock take was created and EXCLUDES stock allocated to unprocessed sales orders. If there have been stock movements (i.e. reductions in stock levels) in between creating and activating the stock take, a message is displayed as follows:

'Stock reductions have occurred since this stock take was created. Quantity on Hand and Quantity Found have been adjusted to current stock levels'

Review the changes before saving and activating the form

The Quantity Found value is editable. It’s where the user enters the actual quantity counted.

The Dollar Variance is calculated when the quantity found is different to the quantity on hand. When decreasing stock, the variance is based on the actual cost on the stock line decremented. When increasing stock the variance is based on the Last Cost of the item.

New stock take in Part Number mode



  1. Inventory Stock Take. The form opens at the last stock take created in your warehouse

  2. Click New and accept default Mode = Part No.

  3. Set the Ranges you want or leave as default

  4. Click Find Stock

  5. The rows returned to the grid are consolidated by part number (bin location column is blank)

  6. Enter in quantities found

  7. Enter the quantity found for the part number

  8. Repeat as required

  9. Save the stock take form. Activate when required

New stock take in Bin Location mode



  1. Inventory Stock Take. The form opens at the last stock take created in your warehouse

  2. Click New and select Mode = Bin Location

  3. Set the Ranges you want or leave as default

  4. Click Find Stock

  5. The rows returned to the grid are populated by bin location.

  6. Edit the Quantity Found by mouse clicking on the blue Quantity Found value. This will open the line details form for the stock on hand row.

A blank bin location does not mean no bin location. It means bin location with no name.

  1. INCREASE stock by adding a new row to the Line Details form

  2. DECREASE stock by reducing the quantity on the existing lines.

Stock takes for serialised stock

Inventory items requiring serial numbers or that use Bin Locations display the Quantity Found in blue and underlined in the Stock Take form. A single left mouse click on the Quantity Found displays the Stock Details screen containing the serial numbers grid.


  1. Use single left mouse click on the Quantity Found field to display the Stock Details screen showing the existing items found in the stock on hand records including Serial Nos, Expiry Date and Unit Cost

  2. Add items by entering the detail(s) in the last line of the grid and adding to it as needed

  3. Delete items by changing the Quantity on Shelf field

  4. Save the Stock Take Details form

  5. Repeat for other stock lines until complete

  6. Save and activate

Add inventory items to existing un-activated stock takes



Follow these steps to add additional lines to unactivated stock takes.  In this example I want to select a small range of part numbers and then all items of the Product Type Clothing

  1. Create a new stock take entering in the required criteria - part number range entered in this example

  1. Save changes

  2. Change Product Type criteria from and to Clothing ADD change part numbbers to the first and last part numbers in the database to ensure all products of the Product Type Clothing are included

  1. Click No to the question 'OK to clear existing items?'

  1. Additional rows are returned to the grid

  1. Save changes and repeat as needed

  2. Complete the stock take

  3. Save and activate.

Stock Take Reports

From the menu there are 2 standard stock take reports

Stock Take - Lists all the inventory to be counted in a stock take and is used as the source sheet for actually performing the physical count.

Stock Take History - Prints the findings of a stock take.

See also the link below for reports with more category filters

Additional Stock Take reports - Jiwa 7 - Documentation (atlassian.net)

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