Customers are historically known as Debtors in Jiwa. Debtor transactions are raised by processed sales orders that are recorded against a unique debtor number. A history of these details together with monies received, discounts granted and adjustments made are displayed in the Transaction tab of the debtor record. Debtor transaction history details and balances are updated when:
sales orders and credit notes are processed , and
debtor invoices, adjustments, cash book receipts or payments and bank reconciliation's are activated
imported sales orders are processed
imported debtor transactions and cash book transactions are activated
Debtor accounts can be set to age on a Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly basis. The Period Rollover process limits the volume of transactions displayed on the Transactions tab.
Features - find out more about the debtors module
Configuration - what's needed to get going
Defining the maintenance form - detailed explanation of each tab and field
Creating new customer accounts - how to record new customer accounts
Entering transactions into JIWA 7 - invoices and adjustments
Running off Debtor statements - print, email or fax out your statements
Finding out customer information - outstanding orders, back orders etc
Running reports - different options available