
When a database becomes slow and cumbersome in size, it is advantageous to perform some archiving. Jiwa 7 and 8 have some built-in archiving providers that cleanly summarise, move and delete your data. Do not simply go deleting transactions using SQL, this will compromise the integrity of your database and your financials.

Jiwa provides archiving for sales orders, debtors and creditors.

Archived sales orders are moved to the Sales History table, so you can still report on the necessary data. When you try to drill to a sales order that has been archived, for example from the resulting journal which is not archived, you will get this error:

When debtor and creditor transactions are archived, they will appear as a summarised transaction on the Transactions tab, with invoice no. ‘00000’ and Reference ‘Summarised Transaction’. The date will be the date of the most recent archived transaction

The debits and credits will, of course, match.


Set up your Providers

System Settings > Archiving > Configuration > Providers

You can edit the providers to give you a range of transactions, by type or by date. There’s also a simulate function so you can check how long an archive will take and how many rows it will affect, before you do the archive.

If you edit an archiving provider, make sure you close and re-open the Archiving Maintenance form to make sure the new provider is read before executing.


Provider Filters

The filters issue SQL to select the transactions to be archived. You can add and edit the standard filters. Here’s some examples in creditors:

Select one creditor only

Select a range of creditors

Select the first 100 creditors, by Account No.

Select the second 100 creditors, by Account No.


Transactions older than a date



When archiving debtor and creditor transactions they must be fully allocated and aged out.

Additionally, if your transaction to be archived is allocated to a transaction that won’t be archived, then neither will be archived.

E.g. Invoice dated 31/12/2007 is allocated to a payment dated 30/1/2008. We’re only archiving transactions 2007 or older. The invoice won’t be archived because it’s allocated to a payment that’s not older than 2007.


Set up Archiving Tasks

System Settings > Archiving > Archiving Maintenance

You can add multiple tasks to the archiving maintenance form, each one attached to a different provider. Tasks can be enabled or disabled. Clicking the Execute Now button in the menu ribbon will execute all enabled tasks.

To edit a task, double right mouse click on the task row. This will open the Task Properties form.

If you’re not getting the results you expect, check the Enabled and Simulate Only flags.


Execute Archive

To perform an archive, simply click Execute Now

Archive History

Jiwa keeps a log of all the archives performed

Click on the History tab to see a log of all the tasks run. You can expand the logs, and click on the blue hyperlink, View Report, to see a detailed report.

Errors can also be identified in the history table: