


Configuration of the Manufacturing module starts with Work Centres. Work Centres are like an activity. One work centre may be associated with multiple Production Lines

Work Centres

Create Work Centres in Manufacturing > Configuration > Work Centres. A Work Centre can be enabled or disabled, but not deleted once it has been used on a work order. Work Centres can be associated with a Skill (from Staff Maintenance), but a skill is not necessary.



Production Areas

Once you have your Work Centres, you can create your Production Areas. Each Production Area can have multiple Production Lines and each Production Line can have multiple Work Centres. A Production Area must have at least one Production Line and that Production Line must have at least one Work Centre.

Click Save on the Production Line before you can add a Work Centre to the line.


A Production Area can be ticked as Enabled. Not ticking will disable the area. You can’t delete a Production Area if it has been used on a work order or bill of material.

Warehouse Maintenance

Now your Work Centres and Production Areas have been set up they need to be linked to a logical warehouse.

Work Centres and Production Areas can be linked to multiple warehouses.

Inventory > Configuration > Warehouse Maintenance

Click on the Logical Warehouse name to highlight it. In the Work Centres tab, add any new work centres.


Click on the Logical Warehouse name to highlight it. In the Production Areas tab add a new Production Area

The associated Production Lines and Work Centres will populate based on the Production Area configuration.

You must have added the work centre to the Work Centres tab first, in order for those to flow through from the Production Line.


Bill of Materials

Now your Production Area is associated with a logical warehouse, you can add this Production Area / Line to a bill of material (BoM). That way, when you create a new work order, it automatically sets the Production Area on the work order.

If you want to disassociate a Production Area from a BoM, right mouse click on the field and select Clear.


Work Orders

Now your Production Area is associated with a Bill Of Material, when you create a new work order, it automatically sets the Production Area on the work orders.

If you want to disassociate a Production Area from a Work Order, right mouse click on the field and select Clear.