Kit Styles

Kit Styles

There are 4 different Kit Styles defined in Inventory Maintenance

  1. BOM

  2. Template

  3. Kit

  4. Kit (Tax Over-ride) 


1. BOM is an indicator.  It tells the user that this item is a manufactured product.  It may or may not have components attached, this is not forced.  It may or may not have an associated Bill of Material in the manufacturing module, this is not forced.

When added to a Bill or Work Order, Jiwa will expect a Sub Assembly and will set an Explode Policy, the default is Always. If don’t want to manufacture this item set the Explode Policy to Never.

BOMObject = 1

2. Template is a type of kit. It means the header record is used as a grouping mechanism only.  Any pricing on the header template inventory item is ignored and the price of the header is the sum of the components.  The price of the header can't be edited in sales orders or quotes.  You can only influence the header price by editing the price of a component.

BOMObject = 2


Price Ex is not editable on SFTYPACK, it's always the sum of the components.  Changing a quantity or price on the components changes the price of the header.

Ordering 2 SFTYPACK will double the quantities of the components.

3. Kit is a normal kit type where the header price from inventory maintenance is used on sales orders and quotes, and all the components prices are modified so they add up to this price, irrespective of their individual prices.  The price of the components are modified on a weighted average basis, calculated based on their system price.

BOMObject = 3

When 1171 Standard Keyboard is part of kit 1091-K, then it's weighted price is $11.31.  When sold on it's own, it's price is $115.  Good deal hey?

You can change the price of a Kit header and then all the component prices will be modified downwards so they still add up to the total.  You can modify a component price and the header will be updated appropriately, so they still total.

Ordering 2x 1091-K will double all the components, but editing the quantity of a component will only update the price of the header.

Tax charged is applied at the component level only.


4. Kit (Tax Over-ride) is a kit type where the tax rate established in the header record over-rides the individual component tax rate and is applied to all components.

BOMObject = 4

In the example below, Breadcrumbs are normally GST Free, but when sold as part of a Kit (Tax-Over-ride), they inherit the tax of the header.


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