Reversing a Shipment

Reversing a Shipment

If you’ve made a mistake on your shipment, for example, accidentally booked in stock with the wrong bookin date, you may want to ‘reverse’ the shipment. Reversing a shipment is complicated, that’s why there’s no magic button to do it for you. Here’s the process you need to follow.

You have a shipment with the following conditions:

  • The status is Booking In

  • Import Costs are apportioned and invoiced

  • Stock is booked in

  • All the stock still exists

  • Supplier Invoice is invoiced

Reduce stock value back to supplier cost

Because you have import costs apportioned, your stock has been booked in at the landed cost. Before you can return the stock you need to get costs back to the supplier cost.

Post an equivalent negative import cost for each import cost you have apportioned.

Apportion against the existing stock.

Invoice the import cost using the original dates.

Your stock on hand is now at the original supplier cost.

Drill to the import cost creditors and allocate the negative invoice to the original positive one.

Your shipment line will have an updated import cost of 0.00 so the Landed Cost = the supplier cost.

Return the stock to the supplier

You want to remove the stock from your stock in hand, so that you can book it back in again with the correct details. The best way of removing the stock is to do a Supplier Return Credit. This is because a supplier return credit both removes the stock and creates a credit against the creditor record.

See this section for Supplier Returns

Make sure you use return code RG / Return of Goods.

Use the serial selection form in the supplier return credit to make sure you select exactly the goods that were booked in on the incorrect shipment.

Use the same FX rate and same dates as the original incorrect shipment.

Double check the FX and local totals of the credit match the supplier invoice on the shipment.

It’s a good idea to use the Shipment No. in the Creditor Ref field.

Drill to the supplier and allocate the supplier return credit to the original shipment invoice.

Copy the PO to start over

Now we are going to repeat the shipment with the correct details, in the same shipment form for traceability.

Copy the original PO and attach it to the shipment.

Add the import costs onto the shipment again. This time we’re apportioning against the new Copy PO only.

You can invoice the import costs with the same invoice number. Check your dates.

Book in the stock again

Create a new bookin form to bookin the stock again. Check your dates.

Check the Stock Booked In tab. The Cost In is dynamic, so the first bookin will show the latest cost of the booked in stock (the supplier cost) and the new stock will be at the correct landed cost.

Check the Shipment Lines, you should have all the import costs on the new lines from the Copy PO.

Invoice from Supplier

Now you can set the supplier invoice on the Invoices tab to Invoiced, with the correct date.


VOTI doesn’t affect your stock values or stock dates so there’s no adjustments required on this tab.