Sales Order Customer Panel

Sales Order Customer Panel

The sales order customer panel is provided by a standard plugin “Sales Order Customer Panel” in Jiwa. Make sure it’s enabled. If not, enable the plugin, save, log out and log in again.

Open a new sales order entry form. If you can’t see the panel, drag the splitter over from the far right hand of the screen.

Click on the word ‘View’ to tick on or off the different panels available in the grid:


The “Number of days to Show Sales History for :” in the bottom of the form allows you to select how much history you see. Remember, the more history you fetch, the more cluttered the screen and the slower sales orders will run.


Even if you’re not displaying Customers Previous Sales data, the plugin is still fetching that data for the number of days you have set, so keep the number small. We default to 90 days.


Jiwa allows you to easily add inventory items to an order based on the Customers Previous Sales and Product Upsells. Simply use the up-arrow button on the end of each row, and the item will be added to the order.