Staff Maintenance

Staff Maintenance

Active Staff Member and Account Enabled

There are two tick boxes in the header of Staff Maintenance. What's the difference?

Active Staff Member is used to indicate if the staff member is an active employee.  Do they still work for the organisation or have they resigned? 

Account Enabled is used for logging in and licencing.  Since 7.01, the licencing system now only counts licences for staff members that are Enabled, and users can only log into the system if they are Enabled.

A staff member may be an active employee, but not necessarily need access to Jiwa.  For examples, Sales Reps.  Therefore they will be ticked as Active, but unticked for Account Enabled.

E.g., Henry is sales rep and has sales orders attributed to him, but he doesn't need access to Jiwa.

If a staff member is not Active, as in no longer employed, then naturally they should not be allowed to log in.  Account Enabled will be greyed out if Active Staff Member is not ticked.

E.g. Ken retired.  We still need his staff record because it's linked to historical transactions, but he no longer works here and therefore can no longer log in.

User Settings

Search Window

  • Select Keyed Search Text after search - When you have this option ticked and you use any search window in Jiwa, the cursor will jump back over the typed search in the search box after the typmatic delay time has finished. At this point you will be able to overwrite your search i.e. change it to something else. If you do not want this to happen and want the search text to stay the same leaving you the option of adding to the search text ensure this checkbox is not ticked.

  • Typmatic delay (in ms) before search - This is the amount of time in ms before the search will start looking for your results. The recommended setting is 1,750ms.