Security and Permissions

Permissions can be handled in a number of ways in Jiwa.  Generally, access to reports is granted through menu menu maintenance, and access to forms is granted through user groups.

User Group Maintenance

Any number of user groups can be defined in Jiwa.  Generally user groups are activity based, e.g. Accounts Payable, Sales, Warehouse etc.

Any number of users can be assigned to a user group.  A user can belong to any number of user groups.  A menu can also be associated with a user group, so a user will see the menu associated with their staff record, plus any items associated with the user group menus are blended into this main menu.

The Permissions tab on the user group maintenance form lists all the other forms in Jiwa, and whether this user group is allowed to load (read) that form, and edit that form.  The permissions are defined as Allowed, Undefined and Disallowed. In addition to these read/edit form permissions, abstract permissions can also be set for a user group.  Abstract permissions are general, process based permissions associated with a specific form

See this link for more on these definitions: What does undefined mean on the permissions tab of User Group Maintenance  

How to set permissions for a user group

  1. Open the form for which you are setting the permissions.  E.g. Open the sales order entry form to set the permissions on that form

  2. Click the Utilities tab on the menu ribbon

  3. Click the Set Permissions button. 

  4. The Set Permissions form will open with the first available user group loaded e.g. Accounts Payable user group

  5. Use navigation buttons to open the user group you need to set permissions on. E.g. use the Search button to find and load the Sales user group

  6. Notice that every field and button and label on the sales order entry form is now bordered in black

  7. To set permissions on a specific field or button, click that field or button with your mouse.  E.g. Click on date next to Initiated Date.  Note, the Set Permissions form can be moved around the screen with your mouse, so you can access all fields.

  8. Notice the Currently Selected Item on the Set Permissions form has now been updated to read DTInitiatedDate

9. Now click the Allow or Disallow button against Read or Edit. E.g. click Disallow in the Edit grid to prevent the Sales users changing the Initiated Date.

10. Click Save, the close the Set Permissions form with the X in the top right corner.

Abstract Permissions

Certain forms have abstract permissions associated which you can set for specific user groups. E.g. in the sales order entry form, you can set abstract permissions re processing credit notes, re-printing an invoice, emailing an invoice etc.

  1. Open the form for which you are setting the permissions.  E.g. Open the sales order entry form to set the permissions on that form

  2. Click the Utilities tab on the menu ribbon

  3. Click the Set Permissions button.

  4. The Set Permissions form will open with the first available user group loaded e.g. Accounts Payable user group

  5. Use navigation buttons to open the user group you need to set permissions on. E.g. use the Search button to find and load the POS user group

  6. Click on the Abstract Permissions form

  7. Set the Access level for the user group

  8. Click Save, the close the Set Permissions form with the X in the top right corner.

More information is here: Restrict ability to re-print sales order invoices