Creating custom fields via a plugin

Creating custom fields via a plugin

Custom fields allow the creation of fields that are specific to your company. Once created, Jiwa handles the database saving, reading, and updating of these fields for you. Custom fields can be as simple as a text field, but can be as sophisticated as a lookup field allowing for searching through, and selection of, any database data desired. 


Plugin NameThis denotes the plugin which created the custom field.Setting NameThe name of the custom field.DescriptionA summary of what the field is for, and what sort of information it holds is shown here. This description is defined when creating the custom field via a plugin.ContentsThis is the value of the custom field. This value may be user-editable, or perhaps it is generated by some other process. The field type of the "Contents" fields can be one of a number of types:

1 - Date2 - Text3 - Float4 - Integer5 - Lookup6 - Combo7 - CheckBox