Jiwa Service Release 2
About Service Releases
Jiwa 7 Service Releases are cumulative, and later Service Releases supersede earlier Service Releases.
This means you only need to install the most recent Service Release to obtain all the fixes of previous Service Releases. Installing a later Service Release will automatically remove older Service Releases.
Installing a later version of Jiwa will also remove any service releases for previous versions.
How to Install
Typically the .msp file, once downloaded can by run simply by double-clicking the file to run.
However, if an error such as the following occurs:
"A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file <%path%>\disk1.cab has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt"
Then you should open an elevated command prompt and run the .msp from there. An elevated command prompt is simply a command prompt run as Administrator.
How to remove
The Windows Control Panel Add/Remove programs - View installed updates lists the updates installed and provides a way of uninstalling a Service Release.
Uninstalling SR2 will restore the system to the state prior of installation of SR2.
The appearance of the Service Release in the Installed Updates list is also the method of indicating if the Service Release is installed.
Special Instructions
The following Troubleshooting and How To articles may also be of interest - they address issues which cannot be fixed by the installation of the service release, but contain information, scripts, reports or plugins to address other issues.
Adding a line to a quote now warns when there is no stock AND alternatives exist
Ageing of transactions during Period Rollover can apply Period Rollover Date
Change debtor allocations on transactions that have been aged out
Copying a quote and changing the debtor before saving did not ask if prices were to be re-calculated
Current month sales are not displayed in the Pantry List - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
Deleting warehouse back orders did not update the IN_OnBackOrder table - 7.02.00
EX GST Total is not always correct in the standard invoice report - 7.02.01
Invalid inventory search filters for Category 3 and Category 4 corrected
Making Quote from a Sales Order errored if the sales order included a kitted item
Plugin to implement the ability to 'Insert New Inventory Item' in a quote
POINF022 - Replenish ReOrder report ignored the criteria selection for 'BOM Parents?'
POS plugin updated to correct rounding variances when using the POS form - 7.02.01
SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly
Sorting on the Invoice No field in debtors Customer Activities > Unprocessed Sales Order is disabled
Unactivated GRN Reversals appear incorrectly in the Transaction History tab of inventory
UPC / bar-code (Aux2) field in inventory searches is now supported
Use Value of Taxable Import box automatically ticked when creating a new shipment
Warehouse Summary grid Unprocessed Sales Orders to exclude unprocessed credit notes
Why do I need to activate a Manual Back Order Release batch?
Issues Addressed In Service Release
Jiwa Service Release 2 includes all issues addressed in Jiwa Service Release 1 in addition to the following:
Getting issues...
Cumulative Issues Addressed In Service Release
A complete list of all issues addressed:
Getting issues...