What does undefined mean on the permissions tab of User Group Maintenance


In User Group Maintenance forms there are three options for permissions - Allowed, Disallowed and Undefined.  The first two are clear - what does Undefined mean?


By default, the "Default Read/Edit Permission" for each group is Allow.

The default permissions overcome having to change the permission setting on every form available for every group.

The individual permissions against the forms are set to Undefined by default.

Undefined means that group does not contribute to the resultant permission for a user. When calculating a users permission, the user must belong to at least one group where the permission is allow (this could be the default header permission), and no groups where the permission is disallow.

If a user ends up with a permission of "Undefined" after Jiwa looks through all the groups to which that user belongs, then this is the same as "Disallow".