The current Jiwa demonstration licences for 7.00.157 have expired


Attempting to install and login to a Jiwa Demonstration  7.00.157 database on Win 2012 server is rejected as they expired 14/3/2017. 


Attached is a RAR file with current licences for Jiwa Financials Evaluation for 7.00.157 that expire on 3 March 2018.

  1. Download and extract licences from 7-00-157-2018Licences.rar file

  2. Login to your Jiwa demonstration database

  3. At the prompt - 'There are no valid licences available for you to login. Do you want to load the licences maintenance form to add a licence?' click Yes

  4. Select the licences extracted at point 1 and click Open and OK

  5. Login again to the database