Invalid column name 'ActiveLogin'

After upgrading from an early version of Jiwa to 7.01 or 7.02, you may experience this error.

On Login

This error is the result of the appropriate permissions not being set for the Jiwa logins.

The message is referring to the old column ActiveLogin against the Staff tables because it assumes you are using the incorrect version of Jiwa compared to the database.

However, if you are using the correct version, the error becomes about permissions.

The granting of permissions changed for Jiwa 7.02.  Please refer to the documentation about this version.


To fix the error, run the following procedures against the database:

GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO JiwaUser (against the master database) usp_Jiwa_Grant_Application_Permissions 'JiwaUser' usp_Jiwa_Grant_Reporting_Permissions 'JiwaReports'

Where JiwaUser and JiwaReports are the SQL users you created during the upgrade.

Staff Maintenance

You may also experience a similar error when trying to open the Staff Maintenance form.

This is caused by a Filter referring to a column that was renamed / removed from the HR_Staff table during upgrade - ‘ActiveLogin’

The following query reveals two filters which refer to this old column.

SELECT * FROM SY_Filters WHERE FilterString LIKE '%ActiveLogin%'

Either update the filters or delete them.

UPDATE SY_Filters SET FilterString = REPLACE(FilterString, 'ActiveLogin', 'IsActive') WHERE FilterString LIKE '%ActiveLogin%'