Creditor Activities - Processed Orders Tab Uses Last Modified Date
CRMGT040 - Creditors Listing - Transaction Due Date Report includes all valid transactions
CRTRN011 and CRTRN012 reports for creditor sourced transactions are reporting incorrectly.
CRTRN050 - Outstanding Creditor Invoices includes creditor purchases
DBINF025 - Debtor Contact Details does not display Secondary and Tertiary data
Emailing may report an error 'String or binary ...' in some cases
Sales tab on debtor maintenance may take a long time to load
GLINF021 - General Ledger Transaction Listing (Add GL Account Description) - Jiwa 7
New report GLINF023 - General Ledger Listing with Source by Set No criteria added
GLMGT235 - Profit & Loss with Actuals, Budgets and Variance - 07.02.00 and 07.02.01
Transactions to display BAS Code and allow drill direct to source
Deleting warehouse back orders did not update the IN_OnBackOrder table - 7.02.00
ININF030 - Inventory Slow Moving Products reports products that have sold recently
ININF066 - Inventory Quantity As At does not include work order inputs - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
ININF055 - Inventory Reconciliation - Performance Improvement
Invalid inventory search filters for Category 3 and Category 4 corrected
Warehouse Summary grid Unprocessed Sales Orders to exclude unprocessed credit notes
Warehouse Summary SOH - Forecast Work Order Component WIP - Updated calculation for Fixed Quantities
Changing the status of a purchase order to Closed when all lines are received/booked in
POINF022 - Replenish ReOrder report ignored the criteria selection for 'BOM Parents?'
REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced modified to include status - Activated, Not Activated and All
Unactivated GRN Reversals appear incorrectly in the Transaction History tab of inventory
SOMGT070 - Reserve Orders Delivered Not Invoiced - Value double up
SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly
Unit of Measure details added to Sales Orders, Quotes & Purchase orders Reports
Current month sales are not displayed in the Pantry List - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
EX GST Total is not always correct in the standard invoice report - 7.02.01
Making Quote from a Sales Order errored if the sales order included a kitted item
Plugin to implement the ability to 'Insert New Inventory Item' in a quote
POS plugin updated to correct rounding variances when using the POS form - 7.02.01
SOMGT070 - Reserve Orders Delivered Not Invoiced - Value double up
SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly