Jiwa 7
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Login fails for login SQL users
Make a Quote from Sales Order containing a kit and components with default prices of 0.00 errors -
Making Quote from a Sales Order errored if the sales order included a kitted item
Manually adding kits to a purchase order displays warning message
Manual Serial Numbers form does not work where there is more than 1 line on the sales order - 7.02.00
MNT12201 - Warehouse Transfer Detailed errors in 7.02.00
MNT12501 - Bill Maintenance report does not group sub-assemblies under correct input
MNT40001 Purchase Order report
MNT50001 - General Ledger account report does not report Next Year Open for Balance Sheet accounts but does for P&L accounts
MNT55001 - Cash Book Deposit Slip
Moving lines does not correctly update the Delivered Total on the original sales order - 7.00.175
New report INTRN065 - Stock Take History with Categories
Non-physical inventory items used in Job Costing now appear in Transaction History tab
No Valid Licence Available
Object reference not set ..DisplayShipmentLine error when loading the Shipment form
Opening an inventory items errors -'The value property cannot be set ...outside the range ...MinValue .. MaxValue ...'
Opening Debtor System Template form after update may error with "Could not load file or assembly 'JiwaApplication, Version="
Order > On Back Order tab does not display back orders from Warehouse Transfer Outwards batches - 7.00.175
Outlook gives warnings about a program accessing email address information or sending email on my behalf
Out of memory issues when activating a large stock-take, stock transfer or shipment bookin in Version 7.00.149 or 7.00.157
Part numbers added or modified in the POS form are not always visible in the Items Added grid
Part numbers changing on sales orders, quotes, purchase orders, shipments and bookins
Period lock incorrectly reported when posting into the last month of the financial year 7.00.149
Plugin Maintenance errors with 'Duplicate key value supplied' when loading
Plugin Scheduler Logs the error The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction
Plugin to implement the ability to 'Insert New Inventory Item' in a quote
Plugin to prevent 0.00 FX Amount transactions being saved where Amount > 0.00 - 7.00.175 only
POINF022 - Replenish ReOrder report ignored the criteria selection for 'BOM Parents?'
POINF022 Replenish Reorder Report - incorrect formula for UoM items - and earlier only
POINF024 - Outstanding Warehouse Purchase Orders report Transfer field is too short
POS plugin updated to correct rounding variances when using the POS form - 7.02.01
Price Updates using the Import from Excel errors "Cannot create ActiveX component" error when selecting the Excel file
Process Back Orders is not fulfilling back orders on Warehouse Transfers - 7.00.175, 7.02.00, 7.02.01
Purchase Invoice first invoice in warehouse produces error - 7.00.157 and prior only
Purchase Order Line Not Found when opening GRN
Qlik Sales Comparison 1 is sorting in the wrong order
Qlikview Invoice Date limited to 31/12/2017
Qty on Shelf and Qty Available SOH values are not displaying in sales orders and quotes
Refreshing or scrolling through creditor records while in the Transactions tab can error 'New transaction not allowed due to other threads running'
REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced modified to include status - Activated, Not Activated and All
REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced report is including reversals - 7.00.175 and earlier
Re-order reports sometimes give an error 'Failed to retrieve data from the database' when running
Report errors 'Database Vendor Code:'
Report printing font size has changed since upgrading from an older version of Jiwa 7
Retained earnings account issues when upgrading from 6.5.13 to
Sales order, quote inventory or purchase order part numbers not matching the description
Sales Order and Quote User 1 to 3 fields appear to be set to Integer rather than Float
Sales order archiving errors 'There is already an object named AR_SO_History ....'
Sales order D02 creates the same journal and debtor transaction as D01 though no stock was delivered
Sales tab on debtor maintenance may take a long time to load
Saving a new record reports a duplicate key error
Saving changes to permissions in the sales order form errors 'Cannot insert duplicate key row ...SY_UserGroupPermissions...'
Script to un-age creditor transactions and allocations based on a supplied date
Script to un-age debtor transactions and allocations based on a supplied date
Scrolling debtor records errors "The value property .....'MinValue' and MaxValue' ....'
Search Window results jump when selected
Selecting the Inventory Order tab errors with 'Cannot access a disposed object ...WebBrowser'
Sending Emails using Outlook errors with "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook...'"
SMMGT090 - Inventory by Job report is not returning any data
SOINF082 - Sales Listing Report
SOMGT051 - Sales with COGS by Debtor displays no data when reporting by Branch - 7.02.01 and earlier
SOMGT051 - Sales with COGS by Debtor does not filter by Branch
SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly
Sorting on the Invoice No field in debtors Customer Activities > Unprocessed Sales Order is disabled
SQL Transaction Log growing exponentially
Standard invoice lists all the serial numbers invoiced rather then the serial number applicable to the delivery - D02 and higher