Error performing a yearly roll-over in a Azure 7.00.157 database 'Master.dbo.SysProcess .. is not supported in this version of SQL'


Jiwa 7.00.157 Azure database errors when performing the Yearly Roll Over function


The issue is being caused by a check to see if other users are logged into the system:

"SELECT Count(Distinct HostProcess) [OtherUserCount] FROM Master.Dbo.SysProcesses WHERE Program_Name = 'Jiwa Financials' AND convert(varchar,db_name(dbid)) = @DatabaseName"

This is a function that can't be done in SQL Azure and a patch is attached to correct the issue for 7.00.157


  1. Download and extract the attached RAR file

  2. Copy the DLL into the Jiwa Program directory (no need to register the DLL)

  3. Login to Jiwa and perform the Yearly Roll Over