Imported stock records don't appear in Transaction History or Inventory Quantity As At report


Inventory imported stock on hand records do not appear in Inventory Quantity As At report or in the Transaction History tab of each inventory item


Early versions of Jiwa 7 importing stock using the Import Inventory Transactions CSV import inserted NULL into SY_Forms_ClassName in IN_SOH.  Run the following script to fix: 

UPDATE IN_SOH SET SY_Forms_ClassName = 'JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaInventoryUI.Import.Transactions.ImportTransactions' WHERE SY_Forms_ClassName IS NULL AND Ref = 'Jiwa Import' 

The script has been added to the standard upgrade scripts to be implemented in builds from 7.00.164 onward.  Imported data appear correctly in the Transaction History tab and Inventory Quantity As At report


Advanced SQL skills are required

Advanced SQL programming skills are required to perform this task.