Get a filtered list of products
Retrieve first 25 products where the PartNo starts with 'a'
var IN_MainQueryRequest = new IN_MainQuery() { PartNoStartsWith = "a", OrderBy = "PartNo", Take = 25 }; ServiceStack.QueryResponse<IN_Main> IN_MainQueryResponse = client.Get(IN_MainQueryRequest); foreach(IN_Main product in IN_MainQueryResponse.Results) { Console.WriteLine("Part '{0}'", product.PartNo); }
Retrieve next 25 products where the PartNo starts with 'a'
var IN_MainQueryRequest = new IN_MainQuery() { PartNoStartsWith = "a", OrderBy = "PartNo", Take = 25, Skip = 25 }; ServiceStack.QueryResponse<IN_Main> IN_MainQueryResponse = client.Get(IN_MainQueryRequest); foreach(IN_Main product in IN_MainQueryResponse.Results) { Console.WriteLine("Part '{0}'", product.PartNo); }