The unique numbering in all forms e.g. sales orders, bank reconciliations, creditor purchases is a alpha numeric field and display in the search screen in that order e.g. in an alpha numeric sort, 10, 11, 11001, 11121200 etc. displays before records starting with 2.
Step-by-step guide
SQL skills are required
Sound SQL skills are required to complete this task
For the list of records to appear in a logical order (i.e. date of entry) leading zeroes need to be added to the batch or form unique number to facilitate that. The SY_Numbers table must also be updated to reflect the new number. Below is an example of updating the numbering for bank reconciliations. Compare the following screen with the one above to see the change after the script was run.
UPDATE BR_Main SET BankRecNo = RIGHT('0000000000' + BankRecNo, 10)
UPDATE SY_Numbers SET LastInvoiceNo = RIGHT('0000000000' + LastInvoiceNo, 10) WHERE Description = 'GLReconciliation'
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