GLINF021 - General Ledger Transaction Listing (Add GL Account Description) - Jiwa 7
New report GLINF023 - General Ledger Listing with Source by Set No criteria added
GLMGT235 - Profit & Loss with Actuals, Budgets and Variance - 07.02.00 and 07.02.01
Transactions to display BAS Code and allow drill direct to source
Changing the status of a purchase order to Closed when all lines are received/booked in
POINF022 - Replenish ReOrder report ignored the criteria selection for 'BOM Parents?'
REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced modified to include status - Activated, Not Activated and All
Unactivated GRN Reversals appear incorrectly in the Transaction History tab of inventory