In Jiwa 7 we no longer include zero balanced transactions in the debtor statement report.
To include these transactions in the statements, changes have to be made to the stored procedure dbo.usp_Jiwa_Debtors_Statement. Anytime you upgrade to another Jiwa 7 version, you will need to edit and run this stored procedure again because the upgrade process will override your changes.
- change the line --AND AgedOut = 0 by removing the two dashes before that statement i.e. AND AgedOut = 0
To make this change permanent you will need to
- copy the standard stored procedure and assign a new name to the copied stored procedure
- change the name of the report
- change the stored procedure that the report addresses (in the Crystal Report)
- import the new report into the database using Refresh from Files under Reports > Report Configuration > Reports
- attach the new report to the Form Report Definitions for each print group in the database