Title: | Inventory reports have been re-formatted for readability | |
Owner: | Julie Hanlon | |
Creator: | Julie Hanlon | Oct 23, 2019 |
Last Changed by: | Julie Hanlon | Feb 16, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://jiwa.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IgYP | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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Children (6)
ININF010 - Stock On Hand report has been adjusted so that the partno and description fields do not overlap
ININF028 - Stock on Hand by PartNo by Warehouse has been re-formatted
ININF041 - Stock on Hand with Allocations has been re-formatted
ININF066 - Inventory Quantity As At report has been re-formatted
ININF150 - Serial Number Tracking report has been updated to report all supported transaction types 7.02.00
INTRN010 - Inventory Stock Transfers report re-aligned
ININF010 - Stock On Hand report has been adjusted so that the partno and description fields do not overlap
ININF028 - Stock on Hand by PartNo by Warehouse has been re-formatted
ININF041 - Stock on Hand with Allocations has been re-formatted
ININF066 - Inventory Quantity As At report has been re-formatted
ININF150 - Serial Number Tracking report has been updated to report all supported transaction types 7.02.00
INTRN010 - Inventory Stock Transfers report re-aligned
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