Ongoing communication, relevant notes and specific information e.g. payment commitment details can be recorded in the Notes tab for various modules. Note Types are set-up per module and then attached to each Note to assist in identifying and categorising the information being recorded. System settings control entering of Notes in specific forms e.g. sales order, but in general, comments can be entered in at any time and deleted as appropriate.
User name and date and time details are automatically updated as the notes are saved.
TypeSelect Type
Select the note type from the drop down list. These are set-up in the Configuration->Note Types screen Types screen of each moduleLast Modified DateDate module
Last Modified Date
Date time note was created or modifiedLast Modified ByUser modified
Last Modified By
User login name to JiwaNote TextUsed Jiwa
Note Text
Used to record any communication or notes e.g. payment commitments made, difficulties with stock deliveries. Using the [Enter] key in this field adds a new line to the text