REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced modified to include status - Activated, Not Activated and All
Unactivated GRN Reversals appear incorrectly in the Transaction History tab of inventory
Sales Orders
Current month sales are not displayed in the Pantry List - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
EX GST Total is not always correct in the standard invoice report - 7.02.01
Making Quote from a Sales Order errored if the sales order included a kitted item
Plugin to implement the ability to 'Insert New Inventory Item' in a quote
POS plugin updated to correct rounding variances when using the POS form - 7.02.01
SOMGT070 - Reserve Orders Delivered Not Invoiced - Value double up
SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly