


The Tyro EFTPOS plugin provides an integration between Jiwa and Tyro EFTPOS terminals to facilitate the capturing of payments or refunds from the Sales Order Entry or POS forms of Jiwa.

The plugin requires the Jiwa customer to have a Tyro device and account.


The Tyro EFTPO plugin provides the following integration features:

  • Integrated Purchases

  • Integrated Refunds

  • Integrated Receipts*

  • Integrated Surcharging

*Integrated Receipts refers to the embedding of the Tyro EFTPOS docket in the Jiwa Invoice report. This is an optional feature. Some Tyro devices have an integrated receipt printer which can print an EFTPOS docket independently of Jiwa and so will not require use of the Integrated Receipts function.

If your Tyro device does not have an integrated printer to produce dockets, then the Integrated Receipts function of the Tyro EFTPOS plugin will be required.

Deployment and Configuration

Tyro Terminal Adaptor (TTA)


A prerequisite to installing the Windows Tyro Terminal Adaptor (TTA) is installing the NET Framework 2.0 (included in .NET Framework 3.5 when installed by the "Turn Windows Features on or off" in control panel, add-remove programs).

Windows Tyro Terminal Adaptor (TTA)

The Windows Tyro Terminal Adaptor (TTA) will need to be installed on machines which will be interfacing with Tyro EFTPOS devices. This can be downloaded from the following location:


Registry Keys

If testing in a sandbox, two registry keys should be modified from their defaults.









If not testing for a sandbox environment, then the default value of https://integration.tyro.com/ should be used for both of the above keys.

Tyro Terminal Adaptor Control Panel

In the folder Program Files (x86)\Tyro\Tyro Terminal Adapter is an application, Configuration.exe. Run this as administrator to launch the Tyro Terminal Adaptor Control Panel.


Enter the Default Merchant ID and Default Terminal ID provided by Tyro.

Select also the Printing Location - If your device does not have an integrated printer, select the Print EFTPOS receipts locally option - this will embed into Jiwa reports the Tyro EFTPOS dockets.

Press the Save and Pair button.

Jiwa Tyro EFTPOS Plugin


The Jiwa Tyro EFTPOS Plugin requires the Jiwa POS plugin, version or later. Even if not wishing to capture payments via the POS form, and just the Sales Order Entry form, the POS plugin, version or later, must be present and enabled.

Tyro EFTPOS Plugin

The Jiwa plugin, Tyro EFTPOS will need to be imported and saved.

Deployment Script

The SQL Deployment script “Tyro.sql” attached to the documents tab of the plugin must be exported and run against the database.


There are two reports attached to the documents tab of the plugin:

  • Tyro Receipt.rpt

  • POS Invoice 80mm with Tyro EFTPOS Receipt.rpt

These should be exported (right click and Save As) and then using the Report Maintenance form imported into the database.

Print Group Maintenance

Open the Print Group Maintenance and add a logical printer "Tryo Receipt Printer" to the print groups for users which will be required to print EFTPOS receipts

Payment Types

Open the Payment Types Configuration form, under the Sales → Configuration folder and create a payment type beginning with the text "Tyro EFTPOS".

Ensure the "Credit Card" field is checked, or otherwise users will be able to remove payments from orders after the payment collected but before the order is saved.


System Configuration

If you have not exited Jiwa since importing and saving the Tyro EFTPOS plugin, do that now.

Log into Jiwa and open the System Configuration form found under the System Settings folder.

The Tyro EFTPOS tab contains some settings which will need to be entered.

An explanation of these setting is below:

ID Key


ID Key



Enter the Tyro Merchant ID provided by Tyro

Site Reference

Enter the site reference - perhaps the Organisation name, or if there are multiple locations include that - for example “Browns Computers - Glendale store”


Payment Types prefixed with this text are treated as Tyro EFTPOS payment types, and payments with this type are sent to the Tyro API

Receipt Logical Printer Name

The Jiwa Logical printer name of the printer to print Tyro Receipts to (if not printing on the Tyro device) - This was created in an earlier step - Print Group Maintenance.

Surcharge Item

The Jiwa non-physical item to use to add surcharges to the sales order returned from the Tyro terminal.

If you do not have an item to use, open the Inventory Maintenance form and create a non-physical item and then select the created item.

Receipt Report

Filename of report to print for Tyro Receipts. This is always used for signature-verify receipts.

Use the imported report, TyroReceipt.rpt from the Tyro EFTPOS plugin imported earlier.

Print Merchant Copy

If the Tyro Terminal Adapter has been configured to print receipts locally (not on the Tyro terminal), use this option to automatically print a merchant copies of the receipt.

Sales Order Entry Form

If using integrated receipt printing, open the Sales Order Entry form and press the Printer Setup ribbon tool and add the POS Invoice 80mm with Tryo EFTPOS Receipt.rpt report imported previously.

POS Form

If using integrated receipt printing, open the POS form and press the Printer Setup ribbon tool and select the POS Invoice 80mm with Tryo EFTPOS Receipt.rpt report imported previously


How to use

Sales Order Entry Form

Add a payment with a Payment Type beginning with the text Tyro EFTPOS to the Payments tab of the Sales Order Entry form

The Tyro Payment dialog will appear, allowing you to alter the Amount to capture, and any cash-out amount



Press Ok to continue to capture the payment. The Tyro payment dialog will display.

If a signature is required, the Tyro Dialog will ask the use if the printed signature required was ok:

If using integrated receipt printing, the report TyroReceipt.rpt will print to capture the customer signature


If not using integrated receipts, the Tyro device will print the signature required receipt for the customer to sign.

If accepted, or if there was no signature required, and if using integrated receipt printing, then the Jiwa invoice report with the embedded Tyro receipt will print:

The sales order will automatically be saved and the payment will be visible on the Payments tab of the sales order, and will not be editable or able to be removed.

The Tyro transactions tab of the sales order also shows more detail returned from Tyro relating to the transaction.


Refunds are handled on the Sales Order Entry form by adding a payment of type Tyro EFTPOS to a sales order credit note.

The same flow takes places as a sales order - a Tyro EFTPOS Payment type is selected, the Tyro Payment dialog will appear, and the user can enter/override the amount to refund and the refund is then sent to the Tyro device.

The same printing workflow occurs as when capturing a payment for a sales order.


Surcharges the Tyro platform add to the sale will automatically be added to the sales order or credit note by adding the configured Surcharge Item to the order and setting the price of the surcharge item.

POS Form

Add a payment with a Payment Type beginning with the text Tyro EFTPOS to the Payments dialog when presented by pressing the Get Payment button of the POS Form.

If a signature is required, the Tyro Dialog will ask the user if the printed signature required was ok:

If using integrated receipt printing, the configured report TyroReceipt.rpt will print to capture the customer signature


If not using integrated receipts, the Tyro device will print the signature required receipt for the customer to sign.

If accepted, or if there was no signature required, and if using integrated receipt printing, then the configured Jiwa report with the embedded Tyro receipt will print:

The sales order automatically created and saved from the POS form entry will show on the Payments tab of the sales order, and will not be editable or able to be removed.

The Tyro transactions tab of the sales order also shows more detail returned from Tyro relating to the transaction.


Refunds are handled on the POS form by adding a payment of type Tyro EFTPOS to a refund transaction.


The same flow takes places as that of a POS sale - a Tyro EFTPOS Payment type is selected, and the refund is then sent to the Tyro device.

The same printing workflow occurs as when capturing a payment for a POS Sale.


Surcharges the Tyro platform add to the sale or refund will automatically be added to the Jiwa sales order or refund by adding the configured Surcharge Item to the order and setting the price of the surcharge item.


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