Search Window results jump when selected

Search Window results jump when selected


When selecting an item from a search window the results appear to jump and the item that is selected is not the item that was clicked on.


The search screen appears to be jumping because the screen resolution is an inadequate size for the form.  This usually occurs when operating Jiwa with a laptop, even if you are connected via a remote server.

For example, I can only replicate this issue when I open a search window on my Surface Pro.  The Surface Pro has a default scale of 150% and display resolution of 2160 x 1440. (Windows > Settings > System > Display)

With those settings the menu ribbon in the search form doesn't display properly.  It's only when you click in the search form that it re-sizes itself to fit, hence the appearance of jumping in the search results.

When I use a normal monitor with the default scale of 100% and display resolution of 1920 x 1080, then the search form opens correctly and there is no re-sizing and no jumping.

Likewise, when I change the scale and resolution of my Surface Pro to 100% and 1920 x 1080 there are no issues.  It's too small to read anything, but there are no sizing and jumping issues. 

Sometimes user report this as worse on a remote connection, but there is no correlation with the connection, internet speed or terminal services.  It's the monitor they are using when connected via terminal server.

It's the scaling that will make the difference, not the resolution.

DEV-9513 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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