Purchase Order Classifications


This form is used to create links to the General Ledger when purchases are made for non inventory items. The ledger account is posted to when the purchase invoice is raised once the goods or services have been received.

Steps to configure

Purchasing Configuration Purchase Order Classifications

  1. Add new descriptions to the blank line or edit or delete unwanted descriptions. Select the relevant ledger account for each description

  2. Set the appropriate Default record

  3. Save the changes

Steps to use

  1. Create a new Supplier Purchase Order

  2. Right mouse click in the row number to bring up a context menu

  3. Click ‘Insert Non Inventory Item’

4. Enter a part no and description

5. Use your custom columns to expose the Purchasing Classification and Purchasing Classification lookup columns.

6. The default classification is loaded. You can change this with the lookup button.

7. Set the status of the PO to Sent. There are no journals associated with non-inventory items.

8. Click Create GRN on the menu ribbon of the PO.

9. Your non-inventory item will be on the Non-Inventory tab of the GRN.

10. Set Qty This Del (right mouse click on Qty Expected).

11. Save and activate the GRN. There are no journals associated with non-inventory items.

12. Click Create Purchase Invoice on the menu ribbon of the GRN.

13. Again the non inventory item will appear on the Non-Inventory tab.

14. Save and activate the purchase invoice.

15. Now you will see a journal debiting the ledger associated with the Purchasing Classification ‘Training’, in our case 4150-200-00 Staff Training & Welfare NSW.