- Open the form for which you are setting the permissions. E.g. Open the sales order entry form to set the permissions on that form
- Click the Utilities tab on the menu ribbon
- Click the Set Permissions button.
- The Set Permissions form will open with the first available user group loaded e.g. Accounts Payable user group
- Use navigation buttons to open the user group you need to set permissions on. E.g. use the Search button to find and load the Sales user group
- Notice that every field and button and label on the sales order entry form is now bordered in black
- To set permissions on a specific field or button, click that field or button with your mouse. E.g. Click on date next to Initiated Date. Note, the Set Permissions form can be moved around the screen with your mouse, so you can access all fields.
- Notice the Currently Selected Item on the Set Permissions form has now been updated to read DTInitiatedDate