Table of Contents |
About QlikView for Jiwa BI
The latest QlikView for Jiwa BI Operations model is Jiwa7 BI Operations – with Budgets
for Qlik_v12
2022_12_16.qvw (See
below for model and update history)
The latest QlikView for Jiwa BI General Ledger model is Jiwa BI General Ledger v10.0 for Jiwa 7.qvw
The latest version of Qlik compatible with this model is version 12.
The newly launched QlikView mobile app requires a Qlik Sense subscription and/or the QlikView Server. Our very economic and affordable QlikView solution is for local client (PC) installations only.
How to install QlikView for Jiwa BI
Clients who are up-to-date with their Jiwa Business Intelligence annual maintenance have access to the latest version of QlikView and the latest QlikView for Jiwa BI models.
Step 1: Download the latest model
Scroll down to download the latest models
Create a Sub-Folder called BI Templates and place a copy of the QlikView for Jiwa BI Operations model in here for safekeeping.
Step 2: Install the latest version of QlikView
Initially try this link to download. You will need to have a registration with Qlik.
New customers: register to download
Please visit this page and fill out the form: https://www.qlik.com/us/try-or-buy/download-qlikview
This will take you to the Download QlikView Personal Edition page
Complete the registration, then “Send Form”.
Once you have your registration details, you will be able to use the Access Customer Resources link
Then scroll down
Ignore references to Qlik Sense and scroll down more
Use the Download Latest Release link under QlikView heading
Use the Filters to find the following:
Then click on Support, then Downloads
Now filter on QlikView in the Product column
You want QlikView version 12 SR2, published 14 February 2023
Qlik on the Download Link to download the exe.
Launch the exe to start the installation.
After reading the license terms choose to accept the User License Agreement to download.
Choose the language:
Choose to install:
In this case a version of Qlikview was already installed, however if this is your first install that message won’t appear.
Choose the most appropriate options for your setup. Then the install takes place.
To find the program go to Start > All Programs > QlikView > QlikView12.
The licence form will launch. If not, you will be taken to the top tool bar. Go to Settings > User Preferences > License.
Existing licensed customers: Register for a Qlik Account
Go to www.qlik.com
Hover over 'Login' in the top right corner
Select Qlik.com
Select Register in the bottom left of the login screen
Complete the required fields and read the terms and conditions
Check the Verification box and complete the identification task if prompted
Click Register
You will receive a system generated email with an activation link for your new account. This link will expire after 24 hours.
You will be directed to an activation page that will automatically log you in to the Qlik.com homepage. You should see "Account" in the top right of this page. If you hover over the word "Account" you should see "Welcome YOUR NAME." This verifies that you have been successfully logged in.
Tips for Registering: If you are a licensed customer make sure to provide your work e-mail. Entering a personal email address or incorrect information will cause the system to create a new contact in the system and access will not be granted. This includes entering a company name different from the name listed in the Qlik database. If you are a licensed Customer, do not attempt to log into the Partner Portal. Doing so will result in access issues. For non-licensed customers, please enter your company or personal information.
Access Extended Download page with your Qlik Account
Go to www.qlik.com
Login with your Qlik Account Username (not email address) and password.
Hover over the Services tab and click Customer Downloads
Step 3: Add / Edit your QlikView Licence
When you launch Qlikview you will have the option to remove, change or temporarily run QlikView.
Select the Change License Key option.
If you don't know your registered QlikView license details then email accounts@jiwa.com.au for the licenses to be sent.
If you already have QlikView open and want to change or clear a licence, you can access the appropriate tab in
Settings > User Preferences
Then the Licence tab
Click Change… to enter new licence details.
Click Clear Licence Information to remove the licence from one installation so you can transfer it to another.
Step 4: Connect to your database
We have changed security in this model.
The Admin password has been changed. The User password remains the same.
The model comes with two pre-configured users. Admin and User. They have different passwords which have not changed since 2019. If you don’t know the passwords, email accounts@jiwa.com.au for
We suggest that your users operate the model in “User” mode. That way they will not be able to inadvertently change the model or access the Edit Script or Edit Hidden Script options.
By default the JIWA V7 BI Operations - with Budgets v12 for Jiwa 7 is set to connect on to an ODBC link named JIWABI. We are using the SQL Server Login name of “jiwauser” and the default JIWA shipped “jiwauser” pwd. Where either the name or pwd has been changed the administrator will need to make a change to the model through the hidden script. Hidden Script pwd remains the same. You will need to open the model as Admin to be able to edit the hidden script.
Create an additional ODBC Connector
These installation notes are describing how to add an additional Database connection to the Jiwa BI Operations model. Before you move forward you will need to go to your ODBC Source Administrator in the Control Panel in MS Windows and add an additional ODBC Connection. This example is using the 64-bit ODBC connection because I have installed the 64-bit Qlikview. If you have the 32-bit model then you need to use the 32-bit ODBC Source Administrator. My ODBC connector is a System DSN ODBC Connector called JiwaDemo. I have used the jiwauser default password.
Adding the Connector
We are using the SQL Server Login name of “jiwauser” and the default JIWA shipped “jiwauser” pwd. Where either the name or pwd has been changed the administrator will need to make a change to the model through the hidden script. Hidden Script pwd remains the same. You will need to open the model as Admin to be able to edit the hidden script.
NOTE: if changing connections, you should take a backup of the *.qvw file first so you can restore to original if necessary.
From inside the opened QlikView for Jiwa BI model,
File | Edit Script, then File |Edit Hidden Script
Scroll up to the top until you see this.
Put your cursor at line 18 (or a spare line) and then press the Connect button.
Choose your database connection. The list presented is coming from the ODBC Data Source Administrator from within the Control Panel on your computer. Key in the UserID and Password, Test the Connection and if OK you will have created a connection.
Your screen will now look like this.
The additional data at line 18 is highlighted.
Move this to the load * Inline section in the format ODBC_DSN, ODBC_USERID, ODBC_PWD
So that it looks like this:
Choose the first encrypted jiwauser name you have just created and copy over the same in the JiwaBI line. Then repeat for the encrypted password.
Delete the new line created (as you've replaced the details in the JiwaBI line above) and Save.
Note that we have deleted out the remnants of the ODBC CONNECT line. When you reload the database initially you will need an ODBC connection called JIWABI. If you reload after you have added load * INLINE above, then the two connections will appear in the Admin TAB in the JIWA BI.
Removing the JIWABI line from the hidden script as a next step (after the Reload) will keep just the JIWADemo connection.
So, the user knows when and which ODBC connection the database is loaded against we have added that information to the Model. See highlighted above on the right-hand side.
Change database connections
If you are changing the database that QlikView is reading from, you merely have to change the ODBC connection named JIWA BI to point to the alternate database.
How to change your QlikView licence
If you need to change your QlikView licence details select the Settings menu, then User Preferences, License tab.
Click on the Change button, then enter your new Licence Key and Control Number.
Troubleshooting QlikView for Jiwa BI / QlikView licences
Occasionally users experience problems validating their Qlik licence.
You may experience an error like the following:
Before applying a QlikView Desktop license through LEF file, make sure that you have a valid license key, control number and LEF file available. Also confirm with your QlikView license administrator that the license is indicates for a QlikView Desktop client, and not a QlikView server.
The licensed client will connect to the license server annually to re-validate the valid license, unless a new license number has been applied.
How to manually apply a Qlik license with License Enabler File (LEF):
The LEF file contains elements
as exemplified below. Confirm that your LEF file has the correct license number, correct product level and that date supports your product installation.
The LEF file
productlevel 3 indicates a QlikView Desktop client license, the
values 1 or 2 might also be vaild for older licenses.
The date must be the date of the major version or later in order to be able to upgrade to a new major release of the product. The LEF file also contains a checksum which validates the details of the LEF file.
1324567891234567 -
> License key number
PRODUCTLEVEL; 3;; 2013-01-
01 -> Product level, Product value, Product date
WSF12 -
> CheckSum
You can request License Enabler (LEF) files for your licenses from this link: http://lef1.qliktech.com/manuallef/default.aspx.
Connection to license server is indicated
Select "Enter my License Information manually (LEF)" to apply license through LEF file. Click Next.
Copy and paste
the LEF information into the text box.
Click Next to apply the license. NOTE: Invalid LEF details disables the Next option.
Successful license validation is indicated
Click Continue to close the license dialog.
Click OK to close the User Preferences
Close and reopen the QlikView Desktop Client for the license to apply.
Further support can be obtained from the Support Portal (login required) by following this article How to request a control number and LEF. If you are unable to login, click "Contact Support" on this page.
Automate ReLoad of the QlikView JiwaBI model
QlikView for Jiwa BI Model and update history
Operations Model
What's New | Published Date | Model Download |
Fix the Budgets reports so that budget years are correctly mapped DEV-9710 |
Minor bug fix in Top 10 report | 7/06/2022 | |
Minor bug fix in O/S Sales reports so Forward Orders are Ex GST (not Inc GST) | 11/05/2022 | |
Performance improvements on re-load | 6/07/2021 | |
Minor bug fix in PO Reports 1 & 2 for quantities reported on new partnos with backorders | 13/1/2020 | |
New Trend Analysis report '3 - Rolling Days' for daily sales, rolling 7 days forward New Sales Analysis report '11 - Contact List' lists contacts and contact email addresses associated with a customer, ready for export to Excel / Mailchimp etc | 10/6/2020 | |
Added NOLOCK to the reload scripts to avoid collisions when retrieving data | 3/3/2020 | |
Inventory report '9 - Inventory Items where SOH Insufficient' refers to multiple forward POs when calculating date out of stock | 20/9/2019 |
General Ledger Model
What's New | Published Date | Model Download |
A new setting on the Admin tab limits the number of years in the drop-down reports "Minimum Fiscal Year". (Our ref JIWA-9777) | 2/8/2023 |
Original model |
2014 |