Monica Holliday
Julie Hanlon
Sept 07, 2023
Nov 06, 2023
Customer Activities tab - Processed and Unprocessed sales to include Job Costing invoices and non inventory items
DBINF025 - Debtor Contact Details does not display Secondary and Tertiary data
DEV-8631: New report DBINF026 - Debtor Contact Export. For the purposes of marketing and bulk emailing, a simple report which extracts all the emails of the debtor contacts has been created. The report is formatted to allow it to be easily exported to CSV so it can be uploaded to tools such as MailChimp.
Emailing debtor statements may error where the debtor company name is long - 'String or binary data ...'
Sales tab on debtor maintenance may take a long time to load
Sorting on the Invoice No field in debtors Customer Activities > Unprocessed Sales Order is disabled
DBMGT060 - Debtors Balance As At has been made faster