You should only add forms to this list which your plugin has an interest in.
Business Logic
The Business Logic tab of the plugin is a register of business logic objects that, when loaded will result in the Setup method of the BusinessLogicPlugin class being invoked.
You should only add business logic to this list which your plugin has an interest in.
Assembly References
The Assembly References tab contains all the external assemblies the plugin is referencing.
Unused references should be deleted.
When a plugin is created, to be helpful and reduce the friction in getting a plugin working out of the box, we add all the references from the JiwaApplication.dll assembly. A lot of these references will not be needed and can be deleted.
References are also automatically added when a Form or Business Logic is added to their respective tabs - the assembly of the Form or Business Logic itself, as well as all references that the added Form or Assembly was referencing. A lot of these references will not be needed and can be deleted.
The code of a plugin by default is populated with several template classes.
Delete any classes automatically created that you are not using.
Delete any using (or Imports in VB) statements you are not using.
The JiwaForm parameter passed to the SetupBeforeHandlers method is the form being loaded - if you have registered multiple forms on the Forms tab on the plugin then the type of the form JiwaForm parameter should be inspected to determine the code to execute.
Typically this is where custom controls are defined and added to the form, and where handlers to business logic or form control events are added.
When a business logic object is created via the BusinessLogicFactory (as all business logic objects in Jiwa are), if the business logic is registered on the Business Logic tab of the plugin, then the Setup method of the BusinessLogicPlugin class is invoked after the business logic object is created.
Typically this is where you would add handlers to business logic events, and instantiate and setup your own objects.
The JiwaBusinessLogic parameter passed to the Setup method is the business logic that has been created - if you have registered multiple business logic objects on the Business Logic tab on the plugin then the type of the JiwaBusinessLogic parameter should be inspected to determine the code to execute.