Machship will select a carrier and service, based on the pickup and delivery addresses, item dimensions and weight and if the user selects “Least Cost” or “fastest”. The freight charges, consignment note number and freight items within the consignment are updated on the Jiwa sales order.
Jiwa REST API Plugin
The Machship plugin has a dependency on the Jiwa REST API plugin, so this plugin must first be enabled.
Open the Plugin Maintenance form in Jiwa, and locate the REST API plugin and ensure it is enabled.
If not intending to send consignments via the Jiwa REST API, then it is not necessary for the Jiwa REST API service to be running, but the Machship plugin will still require the Jiwa REST API plugin to be present and enabled.
Import plugin
Open the Plugin Maintenance form in Jiwa , and locate any other freight integration plugins (such as IFS) and disable and save those.
Consignments are created in Machship by either the user pressing the Send to Freight System button on a sales order, Freight tab - or by invoking a REST API route
Setting a Carrier or Service selection before creating the consignment is optional.