Program Enhancements –
Back-orders from Work Orders are now displayed in the On Backorder tab under Inventory Maintenance.
Grouping option by Work Order has been added to the report BMMGT010 - Bill of Materials Component WIP so components allocated to WIP can be viewed by the work order they're attached to
- Can now elect to update debtors if they already exist
- Mappings can be saved as a named mapping set, and retrieved
- Plugins can alter or extend the import
- Contact names can now be included
An example file for a contact name import for an existing debtor with Account No "1001" is as follows:
AccountNo,Title,First Name,Surname,Contact Email,Contact Phone,Mobile,Primary Position
1001,Mrs,Jill,Bottoms,,0294090709,0414733224,External Accountant
Note(1): An existing contact is identified by the email address field - when supplied, a contact is only updated if a contact email address for that debtor exists, otherwise the contact is inserted.
Note(2): In respect to delivery addresses, the delivery address Name field is used to identify existing delivery addresses - when supplied, a delivery address is only updated if a delivery address name exists for that debtor exists, otherwise the delivery address is inserted.
We have added an index to TradingStatus column of DB_Main. Queries used by search windows for selecting a debtor may see improved performance as a result.
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE Name = 'IX_DB_Main_DebtorID_AccountNo_Name')
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_DB_Main_DebtorID_AccountNo_Name ON DB_Main(TradingStatus) INCLUDE (DebtorID, AccountNo, Name)
Transaction Importing
Documentation for this utility has been updated and can be found in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Jiwa Financials\Jiwa 7\Documentation and Samples\Importing\Debtors\Transactions
Grouping option by Work Order has been added to the report BMMGT010 - Bill of Materials Component WIP so components allocated to WIP can be viewed by the work order they're attached to
re attached to
Goods Received Notes Listing
Report name has been changed from REINF050 – Receival Slips Listing to match the renaming of the form and its menu item – Goods Received Notes Listing.
Goods Received Notes Uninvoiced
Report name has been changed from REINF010 – Receival Slips Uninvoiced to match the renaming of the form and its menu item – Goods Received Notes Uninvoiced. Reversed and Reversal GRN's are excluded from the report.
Goods Received Notes Variations
Report name has been changed from REINF010 – Receival Slips Variations to match the renaming of the form and its menu item – Goods Received Notes Variations.
Inventory Booked In But Not Invoiced
Statuses have added to this report to facilitate reconciling the Delivered but Not Invoiced ledger account.
Book-In Status = ALL, Activated, Not Activated with the default set to Activated
Job Costing Estimates
A new report Job Cost Estimates has been added to the Estimates form. Compelte details of the transaction are printed on the report.
Profit & Loss and Profit & Loss Actuals, Budget & Variances
An additional criteria 'Select Year Comparative' has been added to these two reports with three options
The same selection criteria are also available for Select Last Year Comparative
Sales Order Stored Procedure
The country field SO_History.DeliveryAddressCountry has been be added to the standard invoice stored procedure for use in custom invoices and delivery dockets
Sales Order Reports – Picking, Packing & Order Confirmation
Three new reports have been added to the reports:
- MNT3003-Picking Sheet – prints deliveries and back orders with no pricing information. Title of the report is Picking Sheet
- MNT3004-Packing Slip – prints quantities to be delivered with back orders and no pricing information. Title of the report is Packing Slip; and
- MNT30005-Order Confirmation – prints the ordered quantity and prices with Total being the total values ordered. Report title is Order Confirmation
- is Order Confirmation
Sales Ranking
Sales Value, SOH Quantity and SOH Value columns have been added to the report. When the report is grouped by Sales Rank sub-totals of the additional columns is displayed.
Shipment Import Clearing Reconciliation
The report has been modified to include two more criteria as follows:
The report is compatible with earlier versions of Jiwa and is available for download from
The Jiwa 7 REST API is a restful web service providing a means to interact with the Jiwa database and business logic via HTTP verbs.
The bulk of the REST API is provided by a Jiwa plugin. A windows service and web deployment package provide the mechanism to host the service, but the routes and the logic behind each route are defined in the plugin. Additional or alternative routes and logic can be provided by an additional plugin or plugins
Full documentation on this feature can be found at
Sales Orders
Export Sales Orders
The Sales Order Utility – Sales Order Export has been refactored to speed up the loading of lines, especially for batches with many lines.
Some enhancements have been implemented in the POS sales orders
- Creating a POS sales order for a customer who is On Hold warns immediately by placing a Credit Hold icon against the Total field. The order can only be cancelled at this stage.
- Negative payments can be entered in the same way they can in sales orders
- Part numbers just added or modified are visible to the user in the grid Items Added (i.e. is not scrolled off the visible grid area)
Printer Setup
When adding new reports to the Printer Setup for sales orders, when a report is not selected and the form executed, a descriptive message is now displayed.
Sales Order Processing
Cash Book Receipts Batch
Where full payment is received for a sales order that has items on back-orders, the allocated amount is correctly set to the invoiced amount for that snapshot in the Cash Book receipt batch.
Delegation of Debtor Transactions and General Ledger Journals
We have implemented the ability to delegate the creation of debtor transactions and General Ledger journals related to processing a sales order.
This change is designed to support debtor terms where a sales order can produce multiple debtor transactions to support the sales order but with different due dates and for a given % of of the invoice such 50% @ 60 days and 50% @ 120 days.
Refer to the following link for a more information and a sample plugin.
Search – Global
The ability to search for Shipments and Shipment Bookins has been added to the search options.
Remember: You can create your own stored procedures and add to this form. You can also speed up the searching by un-ticking the options you don't use e.g. Service Manager, Supplier Returns, Contacts
Search Windows
Changing filters after selecting items in a multi-select search e.g. sales orders, GRN's retains the selected items when changing filters e.g. from Part No to Part No. With S.O.H.
Serial Number Dialog Box
The serial number dialog box has been changed and enhanced to support selection of Units of Measure serial numbers. The new form operates as follows:
- Right mouse Quantity SOH to select the relevant stock line
- Buttons available to Select All or Remove All.
- Add New is used when creating sales order credit notes NOT based on a sales order.
When the item is a Unit of Measure item, select the Unit of Measure in the sales order and the serial number dialog box displays an extra column with the appropriate unit of measure displayed. Right mouse click the Quantity SOH OR type in the Pallet Quantity.
Staff Maintenance
The previous field Account is Enabled has been re-named to Active Staff Member, It is used to indicate if the staff member is an active employee.
A new field "Account Enabled" appears below "Active Staff Member" and this maps to a new field - HR_Staff.IsEnabled.
The licencing system now only counts licences for staff members where IsEnabled is set, and users can only log into the system if IsEnabled is set.
Supplier Returns
Requests, Shipping and Credits
The Delete icon in the Supplier Returns Requests, Shipping and Credits will now delete unactivated records.
Yearly Roll-Over
The Application Roll Over was used to control the display of sales data in the Figures tab of inventory and Sales tab of debtors. This display is now controlled by a drop-down box to select the appropriate year. It is no longer required and has been removed from the Yearly Roll Over form