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When writing clients in C# to consume the API, You can use the ServiceStack client (easy way) or use the .NET web client (harder way).

Using the ServiceStack Client

  1. Install the ServiceStackVS extension
  2. Add the nuget package ServiceStack.Client
  3. Add References to System.Runtime.Serialization and System.Net
  4. Right-click on the project and choose "Add ServiceStack Reference..."
  5. Enter the address of the host and name the service
  6. Add the following Code:

    Code Block
    titleUsing ServiceStack.Client
    var client = new ServiceStack.JsonServiceClient("");
    var authResponse = client.Send<ServiceStack.AuthenticateResponse>(new ServiceStack.Authenticate()
    	provider = "credentials",
    	UserName = "api",
    	Password = "password",
    	RememberMe = true
    // Read a debtor
    var serviceStackDebtorResponse = client.Get(new DebtorGetRequest { AccountNo = "1001" });

Using the .NET WebClient

  1. Add References to System.Runtime.Serialization and System.Net
  2. Add the nuget package Newtonsoft.Json
  3. Create a cookie aware WebClient using this code:

    Code Block
    titleCookie Aware WebClient
    public class CookieAwareWebClient : WebClient
    	public CookieAwareWebClient()
    		CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
    	public CookieContainer CookieContainer { get; private set; }
    	protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
    		var request = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(address);
    		request.CookieContainer = CookieContainer;
    		return request;
  4. Add the following code:

    Code Block
    titleUsing WebClient
    using (var webclient = new CookieAwareWebClient())
    	var reqparm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
    	reqparm.Add("username", "api");
    	reqparm.Add("password", "password");
    	byte[] responsebytes = webclient.UploadValues("", "POST", reqparm);
    	string responsebody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);
    	ServiceStack.AuthenticateResponse webClientAuthResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ServiceStack.AuthenticateResponse>(responsebody);
    	// Read a debtor
    	responsebody = webclient.DownloadString("");                
    	JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaServiceModel.DebtorGetResponse webClientDebtorGetResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaServiceModel.DebtorGetResponse>(responsebody);

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cqllabel in ("consume","c-sharp") and type = "page" and space = "API"
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