The following Troubleshooting and How To articles may also be of interest - they address issues which cannot be fixed by the installation of the service release, but contain information, scripts, reports or plugins to address other issues.
- Ability to append parts to existing open stock takes
- Adding a line to a quote now warns when there is no stock AND alternatives exist
- Ageing of transactions during Period Rollover can apply Period Rollover Date
- Change debtor allocations on transactions that have been aged out
- Changing bin locations for a range of stock lines using Multi Select instead of copy and paste - 7.02.01 SR1 and higher
- Copying a quote and changing the debtor before saving did not ask if prices were to be re-calculated
- Creditor remittance email did not have tokens for FX values
- CRTRN011 and CRTRN012 reports for creditor sourced transactions are reporting incorrectlyreporting incorrectly
- CRMGT040 - Creditors Listing - Transaction Due Date Report includes all valid transactions
- CRM Dashboard My Customers sales for Sales This Month are incorrect - 7.01.00, 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
- CRM Dashboard errors 'Execute permission was denied on the object 'RecIDList'
- Current month sales are not displayed in the Pantry List - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
- Customer Activities tab - Processed and Unprocessed sales to include Job Costing invoices and non inventory items
- DBAUD010 - DB GL Reconciliation report different Next Year Opening to Current Year Closing
- DBINF025 - Debtor Contact Details does not display Secondary and Tertiary data
- Deleting warehouse back orders did not update the IN_OnBackOrder table - 7.02.00
- Does taking a parent / head office account off 'On Hold' take the child / branch office accounts off 'On Hold'
- Emailing debtor statements may error where the debtor company name is long - 'String or binary data ...'
- EX GST Total is not always correct in the standard invoice report - 7.02.01
- GLMGT235 - Profit & Loss with Actuals, Budgets and Variance - 7.02.00 and 7.02.01
- ININF026 - In Stock by Bin was ignoring selected warehouses
- Invalid inventory search filters for Category 3 and Category 4 corrected
- Inventory reports have been re-formatted for readability
- Making Quote from a Sales Order errored if the sales order included a kitted item
- New report INTRN065 - Stock Take History with Categories
- Plugin to implement the ability to 'Insert New Inventory Item' in a quote
- POINF022 - Replenish ReOrder report ignored the criteria selection for 'BOM Parents?'
- POS plugin updated to correct rounding variances when using the POS form - 7.02.01
- Printing delivery notes in a purchase order report
- REINF010 - Receival Slips Uninvoiced modified to include status - Activated, Not Activated and All
- Sales tab on debtor maintenance may take a long time to load
- SOMGT083 - Sales with COGS by Staff by Debtor Class by Prod Class reports credit notes correctly
- Sorting on the Invoice No field in debtors Customer Activities > Unprocessed Sales Order is disabled
- Standard invoice lists all the serial numbers invoiced rather then the serial number applicable to the delivery - D02 and higher
- Trial Balance period end date for Next Year period 12 is incorrect where there are only 2 unrolled years in GL Setup form
- Unactivated GRN Reversals appear incorrectly in the Transaction History tab of inventory
- UPC / bar-code (Aux2) field in inventory searches is now supported
- Use Value of Taxable Import box automatically ticked when creating a new shipment
- Warehouse Summary grid Unprocessed Sales Orders to exclude unprocessed credit notes
- Why do I need to activate a Manual Back Order Release batch?